GitHub Pages at Princeton University

Quite simply, GitHub and GitHub Pages, combined with a static site generator are one of the most cost-efficient (free), reliable, time-tested, and secure ways to host a website.

It is possible to host such website and have a Princeton University custom domain. This page provides instruction on how to do that.

➡️ To get started in 5 minutes, (1) register a GitHub account, then (2) click here to create a free website; once it is configured, follow the instructions below to configure your Princeton University custom domain. ⬅️

For more information reach out to Jérémie Lumbroso.

HOWTO: GitHub Pages from

It is possible to host a website on GitHub Pages, but to have a Princeton University domain name, such as this website, hosted from the repository jlumbroso/github-pages-princeton and served on the domain name

Examples of websites:

HOWTO: GitHub Pages from

The subdomain * is managed not by OIT, but by CS staff, the local IT staff for the Department of Computer Science.

Examples of websites: